The expansion of supermarkets in Asia typifiesthe effects of the increasing liberalization in trade and the inflow of foreign investment. The supermarket revolution thus occupies a focal point in this paper which tracks its phenomenal growth in Asia, and its continuing in roads into CLMV –...
The censored Tobit model is applied on data from the Malaysian Household Expenditure Survey (1998/99) to examine household expenditure patterns on food-away-from-home (FAFH). Results indicate that the Chinese population, the urban residents, or those with higher monthly household income have...
The fishery sector has become a large and dynamic contributor to Philippine agriculture. However, the sector confronts the problem of high poverty and alarming threats to its resource base. Policy responses to these problems have been implemented in recent years, but serious gaps remain. Addressing...
The chicken industry in the Philippines has diverse components. The commercial sector is characterized by large-scale, industrialized production systems of broilers and layers of exotic hybrids. On the other hand, the backyard sector is made up of many smallholders who keep a few native or crossbred...
Despite its significant roles in accumulating and sustaining growth, agriculture's contribution to GDP and employment inevitably decreases as the economy grows. One possible strategy to promote the welfare of the agricultural sectors as well attain overall economic growth is by the development...
In accordance with its mandate to ensure the production and trade of better and competitively priced goods and services around the world, the World Trade Organization has to enforce several multilateral agreements, one of which is that on the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights...