Malaysia’s plantation industry and economy, as a whole, has benefitted from foreign labor and remains crucially dependent upon it. Yet, this dependence can prevent optimum productivity by disincentivizing mechanization and innovation. Furthermore, foreign workers have...
Using the value chain analysis (VCA) framework, this research analyzed the rice value chain (RVC) in the Philippines, examined the value additions, identified constraints, and proposed upgrading strategies to enhance the competitiveness of the rice industry and the specific segments in the RVC....
This paper examines the long-term impacts of joint prawn-rice gher farming system on agricultural and household incomes, soil fertility, and productivity of modern variety (MV) rice in southwestern Bangladesh based on socioeconomic data of the gher farmers and soil fertility data of their gher...
This study assesses the long-run relationship and short-run dynamics between paddy yields and climate variables: maximum and minimum temperature and rainfall using time-series data from 1971 to 2014 in Nepal. Applying Autoregressive-Distributed Lag Regression or ARDL bound testing approach for...
Small and marginal farmers encounter several challenges in managing their farms, the major being limited investment capacity, access to inputs, water, power, and credit. In India, the Ministry of Agriculture recognized the collectivization of these farmers into producer organizations...
This paper examines rice biocultural diversity in Sarangani Province, Southern Philippines through a socio-anthropological lens. Participatory rural appraisal highlighted the cultural importance of upland rice and the entire suite of farming rituals practiced by ethnic communities in the area....
Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) contribute significantly to the livelihood, food, and nutrition security of rural communities and forest dwellers. Earlier studies on NTFPs emphasized the economic importance, sustainability aspects, and commercialization of NTFPs, and highlighted the importance of...