This paper assesses intersectoral linkages in Uttar Pradesh to identify the lead sector in its economy. It is based on time series data spanning 1980/81 to 2009/10 and used the vector autoregression framework to examine intersectoral linkages. The results suggest that agriculture is the main sector...
This study investigates returns of scale, estimates technical efficiency, and identifies the determinant factors of the efficiency of small-scale cassava farming in Vientiane and Savannakhet provinces, Lao PDR. Cross-sectional data on inputs, output, and farming characteristics from 193 cassava...
Natural resource governance in modern Indonesia is marked by the tension between the centralized policy strategy of the Suharto period and the reactive strategy of post-Suharto decentralization. To some extent, decentralization led to devolution of power and opportunities for local resource users to...
This paper is about the information-seeking and information-sharing behavior on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) of high school students who participated in the Infomediary Campaign in 2014. This seeks to answer five research questions: (1) What are the indicators that searching and sharing of...
In India, agriculture contributes 14 percent to GDP and provides subsistence to two-thirds of the population. One of the top priorities of the Indian government is to provide food security to more than 1.25 billion people. Hence, increasing farm productivity is viewed as a primary goal for the...
While postharvest operations account for more than 55 percent of the economic value of the agricultural sector, losses are high, the science or technology is relatively new, and the postharvest horticulture extension delivery system in the Philippines has not met the challenge. Thus, the delivery of...
Farmers have been growing GM crops for 20 years and planted 180 million hectares to GM crops in 2015. Qaim provides a thorough and unbiased review of the accumulated research on the risks, benefits, and policy issues surrounding the use of GM crops in developing countries. The book will be valuable...