This paper examines the rice yield gap between Myanmar and Vietnam, two countries that show a stark contrast in terms of rice production in the past two decades. It considers the impact on yield of price policies and public investments in production technology. While domestic rice prices were once...
Spiny lobster puerulus settlements have recently been found in bays in Lombok, Indonesia, leading to the development of lobster grow-out culture in adjacent areas. This research suggests that lobster farming in Indonesia is a viable alternative livelihood for Indonesian fishers. Currently, returns...
Coffee leaf rust is a major disease affecting the production of Arabica coffee. This paper presents an estimation of socioeconomic and locational determinants of CLR management as they relate to the application of fungicides (Bordeaux mixture and systemic fungicides) in India. Using survey data from...
Social capital is a central requirement for a successful climate change adaptation, especially in Cambodia where formal institutions are still poorly developed. Collective action and not-for-profit bonding are important for climate change adaptation; however, these are not easily developed. This...
Using primary data collected from 208 shrimp farming households in West Bengal, this study found that demographic and economic factors influence land-leasing decisions in both traditional and scientific shrimp farming. The Tobit model results indicate that the household’s land holding size is...
The formulation of agricultural price policy is complicated by the multiplicity of functions that price performs. The objectives, thrust, and instruments of agricultural price policy in India have undergone conspicuous shifts during the past 50 years and so has the role and effectiveness of price...