This paper investigates significant forces that affect away-from-home (AFH) meat consumption in China. Multivariate Tobit models were used to analyze a set of survey data from 340 households in Jiangsu, Shandong, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, and Sichuan Provinces in 2005. AFH meat consumption accounts...
The yield gap in rice production can be narrowed by improving farmers’ access to information. In recent years, the Philippines has witnessed a profusion of information and communication technology (ICT) interventions expected to increase Filipino famers’ access to rice farming...
This paper examines the activities of Mongolian financial intermediation and the factors influencing the progress of Mongolian microfinance. These were evaluated using data from household surveys in selected areas, financial statements of Khan Bank and XacBank, and information obtained from...
The location of farm households along the spatial gradient affects resource availability and farmers’ livelihoods. Many socioeconomic variables have strong spatial affinity that would otherwise be overlooked by data aggregation at household levels. The Geographic Information System (GIS)...
This study analyzes the risk perceptions and risk attitudes of farmers practicing different rice-based cropping patterns in the rainfed lowland ecosystems of Ilocos Norte, Philippines. The Likert scale and Kruskal-Wallis test were employed to assess the farmers’ risk perceptions while the...
The present study discusses the trends in crop sector growth at national and sub-national levels in India. Data on important variables such as area, production, input use, and value of output were compiled for the periods 1967-1968 to 2007-2008 from published sources. The analysis reveals that the...
This paper analyzes the spatial integration of vegetable markets in Nepal using weekly wholesale price and retail price data for three years. The maximum likelihood method of cointegration developed by Johansen (1988) was used in the study, which specifically examines if inter-regional vegetable...