Seasonal floodplains under private and public ownership in the Indo-Ganges river basin provide food and income for millions of people in Bangladesh. Floodplain ownership regimes are diverse, covering the whole spectrum from public to private ownership. The paper compares community-based fish culture...
Coastal communities are especially vulnerable to the impacts of a range of natural disasters. The reported frequency of natural disasters has risen dramatically in the past 100 years, with coastal zones particularly exposed to tsunamis, cyclones, and flooding. Managing the change in coastal dynamics...
The present study is concerned with the measurement of total factor productivity growth (TFPG) using the non-parametric approach for seven major crops--aus, aman, boro, jute, wheat, rapeseed-mustard, and potato--in West Bengal, from 1980 to 2003. TFPG is decomposed into the components of technical...
This study explores crisis-adjustment strategies adopted by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia in coping with the 2008-2009 global economic crisis. For the purpose of the study, a field survey on export-oriented SMEs in the wood and rattan furniture industry was conducted. The...
Agricultural intensification is not as simple as the Boserupian process of agricultural change; rather it is a complex evolutionary process involving several interacting drivers. This article attempts to identify the gaps in the social, economic, and environmental effects of agricultural...
Agroforestry education in the Philippines is already 30 years old. While there was interest among the state colleges and universities to offer various agroforestry education programs in the Philippines, these institutions were faced with a number of issues, development needs, and challenges that...