Challenges and Opportunities for Giant Freshwater Prawn Culture through Participatory Learning and Fish Farmer Engagements

Tambalque III, Hermogenes S, Maripaz Perez, Plutomeo Nieves, and . 2015. "Challenges and Opportunities for Giant Freshwater Prawn Culture through Participatory Learning and Fish Farmer Engagements." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 12(1): 35-52.


This paper provides a review of on-farm studies conducted to explore the viability of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii, locally known as ulang), culture in six regions in the Philippines. We adopted a participatory action learning approach aimed at improving pond productivity through engagement of 17 small-scale fish-farmer cooperators to adopt different ulang culture systems—ulang monoculture, ulang-rice polyculture, and ulang-tilapia polyculture. This paper focuses on comparing the production and profitability of ulang monoculture and ulang-tilapia polyculture.

The cooperators were guided to follow proper protocols in pond preparation, feeding, and water management. Results showed an average survival rate of 65 percent for ulang monoculture; and 59 percent and 77 percent survival rates for ulang and tilapia in polyculture system, respectively. The major problems encountered across regions were unavailability of post-larvae; distance of post-larvae source; water availability; presence of predators; and inconsistent implementation of technical interventions by the cooperators. This paper also presents research and policy recommendations toward sustainable development of freshwater prawn culture which include establishment of a network of hatcheries and broodstock development; technology promotion and extensions services; and improving value chains and market strategy.

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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD)
35 52
1656-4383 (print);   2599-3879 (online)
Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
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