Measuring the Performance of Communal Irrigation Systems in Bohol, Philippines

Alegado, Jan Lorenzo G., Isabelita Pabuayon, Salvador Catelo, and Jose Camacho, Jr.. 2019. "Measuring the Performance of Communal Irrigation Systems in Bohol, Philippines." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 16(2): 25-43.


This study aims to measure the performance of communal irrigation systems (CIS), using cropping intensity and farm yield as indicators. In particular, the study focused on the importance of collective action and how it affects the performance of CIS as a form of irrigation system in the Philippines. The unit of analysis used is the irrigators’ association (IA) that manages a CIS across the province of Bohol, Philippines. Analysis of variance was used to determine whether there are significant differences in the performance indicators among the three IA classifications. Likewise, Tobit analysis and ordinary least squares estimation method were used to determine the significant factors that influence cropping intensity and farm yield as performance indicators. The results showed that excellent-rated associations have significantly higher cropping intensity and farm yield than the satisfactory- and fair-rated associations. With respect to the determinants of the performance indicators, labor contribution as a proxy of collective action, has a positive and significant influence on the performance of the irrigation system. Likewise, farm size and farm location have significant and positive effects on cropping intensity and farm yield. However, firmed-up service area and age of the association is statistically significant in farm yield only. To improve the performance of CISs, the study recommends that both monetary and labor contributions must be promoted among farmer-members of each IA.

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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD)
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1656-4383 (print);   2599-3879 (online)
Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
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