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Book Review | Pro-Poor Development Policies: Lessons from the Philippines and East Asia
ABOUT THE BOOK: Pro-Poor Development Policies: Lessons from the Philippines and East Asia is a collection of 25 essays on Philippine economic development, written by eminent scholars, to honor the illustrious academic and public service of Arsenio M. Balisacan. Professor...Volume 20 Issue No. 1 (June 2023) -
Book Review | Urban and Regional Agriculture: Building Resilient Food Systems
ABOUT THE BOOK: Urban and Regional Agriculture: Building Resilient Food Systems is an essential read for academics, policymakers, urban planners, and practitioners interested in understanding and promoting the potential of urban agriculture to create sustainable and resilient food...Volume 20 Issue No. 1 (June 2023) -
Development of Smart Food Value Chain Intervention Models for the Milkfish Industry in Region 1, Philippines
Milkfish production is an important sector of the Philippine aquaculture industry. The Ilocos Region (Region 1), particularly the province of Pangasinan, is the country’s largest producer of milkfish. However, production and environmental constraints confront the milkfish industry,...Volume 20 Issue No. 1 (June 2023) -
Enabling Adoption of Stress-Tolerant Rice Varieties and Associated Production Management Technologies by Smallholder Farmers in Cambodia
Smallholder rice farmers in four target provinces surrounding Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia face problems of crop failures and low yields due to biotic and abiotic factors and a lack of suitable seeds and technologies. This paper reviews the status of rice production in the four areas...Volume 20 Issue No. 1 (June 2023) -
Agricultural Transformation for Small (Island and Developing) States
Agriculture in the development literature has been postulated as providing impetus for urban industrialization through its role in capital accumulation. While large states with concomitant large export potential of agricultural surpluses may subscribe to this paradigm and may also allow growth of a...Volume 20 Issue No. 1 (June 2023) -
Economic Returns to Agricultural Research: Thailand and Indonesia
In both Thailand and Indonesia, the public sector's agricultural research investments have substantially contributed to agricultural productivity growth, as have international investments in agricultural research, through the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR)...Volume 20 Issue No. 1 (June 2023) -
Fisheries Management Areas in the West Philippine Sea and Their Heritage Values
Geopolitical issues pose a challenge to the holistic management of fisheries and associated ecosystems in two Philippine fisheries management areas (FMAs 5&6) encompassing the West Philippine Sea. One way to allay these issues is through a common values approach based on heritage. This paper...Volume 20 Issue No. 1 (June 2023) -
Evaluation Criteria for the Suitability of Apple Cultivation in Kashmir Valley, India
The study aims to provide viable criteria to assess land suitability for apple growing in Kashmir Valley, India. It used a Delphi survey and the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) approach to determine factors influencing apple production. The evaluation criteria were obtained...Volume 20 Issue No. 1 (June 2023) -
Gender Gap in Mobile-Banking Use in Rural Northern Bangladesh
Mobile banking (M-bank), a newly introduced technology, can improve women’s access to financial services. This study empirically estimates the effect of a husband’s and wife’s socioeconomic characteristics, relative differences in age and education, and household characteristics on...Volume 19 Issue No. 2 (December 2022) -
Perceptions on the Challenges of Banana Cultivation and Bio-Based Technology Use Among Malaysian Smallholder Farmers
Bananas are one of the most commonly grown fruit crops in Malaysia, but local production has declined in recent years. Through site visits and interviews with 74 smallholder banana farmers, this study sought to know the current situation of the local smallholder banana industry, the challenges faced...Volume 19 Issue No. 2 (December 2022)