4 articles found for keyword search:
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Perceptions on the Challenges of Banana Cultivation and Bio-Based Technology Use Among Malaysian Smallholder Farmers
Bananas are one of the most commonly grown fruit crops in Malaysia, but local production has declined in recent years. Through site visits and interviews with 74 smallholder banana farmers, this study sought to know the current situation of the local smallholder banana industry, the challenges faced...Volume 19 Issue No. 2 (December 2022) -
The Enabling Environment for Inclusive Agribusiness in Southeast Asia
Smallholder farmers constitute a sizable subset of the population in the ASEAN region and therefore are important stakeholders to consider in realizing the broader goals of inclusive development and poverty reduction. Linking them to various agriculture-related activities across the value chain...Volume 13 Issue No. 2 (December 2016) -
The ASEAN Economic Community 2015 and Regional Trade: Some Prospects for ASEAN Agriculture
The establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community 2015 (AEC) is seen as a bold effort to promote regional cooperation among the ASEAN member states. It covers not only the usual trade policy prescriptions of lowering tariffs and other trade barriers, but other policy measures to create a single...Volume 12 Issue No. 2 (December 2015) -
Enabling Adoption of Stress-Tolerant Rice Varieties and Associated Production Management Technologies by Smallholder Farmers in Cambodia
Smallholder rice farmers in four target provinces surrounding Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia face problems of crop failures and low yields due to biotic and abiotic factors and a lack of suitable seeds and technologies. This paper reviews the status of rice production in the four areas...Volume 20 Issue No. 1 (June 2023)
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