34 articles found for keyword search:
+agricultural +development
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Strengthening Social Capital for Agricultural Development: Lessons from Guama, Bali, Indonesia
Agriculture plays a significant role in the economic development of Indonesia. In Bali province, the government has been implementing agricultural development programs through subaks, which are customary communities that manage the traditional irrigation system. However, subaks now face some...Volume 11 Issue No. 2 (December 2014) -
Technological and Institutional Changes in the Indonesian Rice Sector: From Intensification to Sustainable Revitalization
Agricultural development in Indonesia has been changing dynamically since the country's independence. This paper reviews the rice sector as part of agricultural development in Indonesia. It is remarkable that the agricultural sector was ignored when the oil boom benefited Indonesian economy. As...Volume 6 Issue No. 2 (December 2009) -
Agricultural Transformation in Asia: Experiences and Emerging Challenges
Agriculture plays a key role in economic development, alleviating poverty and malnutrition, especially in the early stages of agricultural development. Several studies have demonstrated that neglecting agriculture, especially at the early stages of industrialization, can disrupt the process of...Volume 19 Issue No. 2 (December 2022) -
Interlinkages in Agro Supply Chains: An Empirical Investigation on Joint Socio-knowledge Development
This paper examines the importance of information exchange in achieving efficient and collaborative supply chain best practices in Vietnamese agricultural industries. The study argues that joint knowledge development can be regarded as complementary assets to leverage supply chain information...Volume 16 Issue No. 1 (June 2019) -
Training Needs of Indonesian Agricultural Extension Workers for the 21st Century: A Recommendation Based on a Field Study
Agricultural extension in Indonesia has undergone major policy changes, depending on the government in power. In particular, since 1998, the government passed Law No 16/2006, aimed at making the extension system more democratic and participatory, especially for smallholder farmers. Law No. 16/2006...Volume 12 Issue No. 2 (December 2015) -
Integrating Indigenous with Scientific Knowledge for the Development of Sustainable Agriculture: Studies in Shaanxi Province
Smallholder farmers are the main stakeholders in agricultural development in China. Their agricultural knowledge (indigenous knowledge) influences their decisions and behaviors both directly and indirectly. However, the importance of smallholder-farmers’ indigenous knowledge is often ignored...Volume 15 Issue No. 2 (December 2018) -
Does Land Conflict Matter to Farm Productivity? A Case Study of Cambodia
Land-related conflicts in Cambodia have been garnering much attention. The Cambodian government, through the Prime Minister, pledged to resolve land-related disputes, as they not only hurt the people but negatively impact on the national development agenda. Land disputes are estimated to involve...Volume 15 Issue No. 2 (December 2018) -
Agricultural Transformation for Small (Island and Developing) States
Agriculture in the development literature has been postulated as providing impetus for urban industrialization through its role in capital accumulation. While large states with concomitant large export potential of agricultural surpluses may subscribe to this paradigm and may also allow growth of a...Volume 20 Issue No. 1 (June 2023) -
Myanmar in Economic Transition: Constraints and Related Issues Affecting the Agriculture Sector
The paper proceeds from the widely held assessment that Myanmar's economy is handicapped by structural imbalance, instability, inefficient and imperfect markets, and distorted prices. The paper delineates how this general state of affairs is clearly evident in the agricultural sector. It then...Volume 1 Issue No. 2 (December 2004) -
NARES Capacity in Relation to International Treaties and Conventions on Intellectual Property Rights, Agricultural Biotechnology, and Plant Genetic Resources Management
Significant developments in the scientific front and international policy arena have affected the use and exchange of genetic resources, and the management of intellectual property. These developments are now reshaping public agricultural research and development (R&D) in developing countries,...Volume 3 Issue No. 1&2 (December 2006)