10 articles found for keyword search:
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Does Land Conflict Matter to Farm Productivity? A Case Study of Cambodia
Land-related conflicts in Cambodia have been garnering much attention. The Cambodian government, through the Prime Minister, pledged to resolve land-related disputes, as they not only hurt the people but negatively impact on the national development agenda. Land disputes are estimated to involve...Volume 15 Issue No. 2 (December 2018) -
The Role of Social Capital and Local Institutions in Coping with Climate Stresses: The Case of Krapum Chhouk Commune in Rural Cambodia
Social capital is a central requirement for a successful climate change adaptation, especially in Cambodia where formal institutions are still poorly developed. Collective action and not-for-profit bonding are important for climate change adaptation; however, these are not easily developed. This...Volume 10 Issue No. 1 (June 2013) -
Drought Risk in Cambodia: Assessing Costs and a Potential Solution
The two major natural hazards that threaten Cambodia are flood and drought. Millions of people have been affected by these natural disasters which have put to waste millions of hectares of paddy rice lands on which depend the lifeblood of the rural economy as well as that of the whole country. Given...Volume 11 Issue No. 2 (December 2014) -
Enabling Adoption of Stress-Tolerant Rice Varieties and Associated Production Management Technologies by Smallholder Farmers in Cambodia
Smallholder rice farmers in four target provinces surrounding Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia face problems of crop failures and low yields due to biotic and abiotic factors and a lack of suitable seeds and technologies. This paper reviews the status of rice production in the four areas...Volume 20 Issue No. 1 (June 2023) -
Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Challenges and Opportunities
The majority of the global population lives in cities. In the developing world, a three-fold challenge of population growth, urbanization, and urban food insecurity is posing challenges for cities. Urban agriculture has received increasing attention as one strategy to help cope with this. Using the...Volume 10 Issue No. 2 (December 2013) -
Pig Production in Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, and Vietnam: A Review
In the last two decades, Asia has become the world's fastest economically growing area. Countries in Southeast Asia are growing at an increasing rate. For instance, the average annual income is increasing from 4% to 8%, population from 2% to 3%, urbanization from 4% to 6%, and meat consumption...Volume 3 Issue No. 1&2 (December 2006) -
Climate-Smart Villages in Southeast Asia: The Pivotal Role of Seed Systems in Rice-Based Landscapes
Given the aggravating nature of climate change impacts, rice farming will increasingly rely on improved resilience to climate variability and extremes. To this end, the climate-smart village (CSV) approach was developed to address specific challenges of smallholder farmers. Within...Volume 19 Issue No. 1 (June 2022) -
Rapid Diffusion of Combine Harvesters in Cambodian Rice Farming: A Business Analysis
Combine harvesters have become widely used in recent years in rice farming in Cambodia on a custom-hiring basis. This study examines factors promoting investment in combine harvesters and the effects of the surge in new entrants in the custom-harvesting business. Analysis of 30...Volume 17 Issue No. 1 (June 2020) -
Ensuring Food Security – A Case for ASEAN Integration
The ASEAN member countries can be grouped into three sub-groups, each of which exhibits a distinct pattern with respect to food security issues. The first group is made up of the relatively food-secure countries of Singapore and Brunei. The second group consists of Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines,...Volume 2 Issue No. 1&2 (December 2005) -
Global Financial and Food Price Crisis: A Double Shock on ASEAN Food Security
The food price crisis that occurred in the mid-2000s and the global financial crisis that transpired in 2008 had an enduring impact on developing and emerging countries where investment growth rates have declined sharply. Food insecurity has also become an important concern. Using a food security...Volume 14 Issue No. 1 (June 2017)
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